Friday, July 11, 2008

Flowers fresh after it rained

I know, I know, more flowers. But, it had just rained and so I thought it would be neat to see what the flowers looked like all covered in droplets. Plus, my landlord had just weeded and tidied up the garden in our backyard, so there were a lot of gorgeous flowers to look at that weren't really visible before. They are really easy to take pictures of because they are right in my backyard, so when I want to just take a couple to try something out, they are perfect. So, bear with me for a few more flower shots.

The next two you really have to click on them and open them up to be larger to see how neat they came out. The small pictures just don't do them justice.

Monday, July 7, 2008

More Flowers

I only had time to take a couple today because it was going to start to rain. That was disappointing because I was hoping to be able to try out the filters/white balance stuff for a little bit. I only got to take about 4 pictures and then had to head back inside. In these the white balance is set to "cloudy" and I tried both a yellow filter and an orange filter. I can't say that I really notice a difference, other than they look a little softer. Not sure if I was doing it right or not, but I also didn't have time to figure it out either. Oh well.

The very first pictures I ever shot with my camera

I took all these photos on April 23, 2008 (my birthday!) and I was mainly using the P setting. I also used the close-up setting and the black and white setting w/ a blue filter. I was just trying to see what I could do with the camera, since I'd never even touched a camera that was this advanced, let alone used one. So I just went out around town and took some photos to see what I could do. I actually think I did fairly well for my first time ever.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Photos for Our Wedding

We are planning on using titled pictures instead of numbers as our table designations at our wedding next May. So tonight, we set out to get some photos of places that are special to us in our relationship. Here are the results:

These last two aren't actually going to be included in our wedding stuff, but I managed to take them while we were shooting wedding photos and they turned our pretty well.

Saturday, July 5, 2008