Friday, July 11, 2008

Flowers fresh after it rained

I know, I know, more flowers. But, it had just rained and so I thought it would be neat to see what the flowers looked like all covered in droplets. Plus, my landlord had just weeded and tidied up the garden in our backyard, so there were a lot of gorgeous flowers to look at that weren't really visible before. They are really easy to take pictures of because they are right in my backyard, so when I want to just take a couple to try something out, they are perfect. So, bear with me for a few more flower shots.

The next two you really have to click on them and open them up to be larger to see how neat they came out. The small pictures just don't do them justice.

1 comment:

  1. You have been delivered from the clutches of the bar exam! Welcome to the promised land.
